Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Part 1 :-

anji bends to take da chunri but shyaam says her nt to do.. den khushi bends nd sees blood on his shoes she is confused nd den gets up nd luks at him.. he den gets a call khushi luks at da chunri.. anji shows smething to khushi nd ask how dey are.. khushi says dt it is lovely nd says dt she will just cme nd leaves.. Nk on his bed wid laptop.. akaash knocks nk asks him to cme.. akaash cmes nd gives him a phone.. nk says thanks.. akaash asks wht he is doing nd den he says he is asking sme1 for a date.. nd says dt he wanna has a indian luk nd says lyk *meray desh ki dharti*.. akaash says okay nd where da indian attire nd says its done.. den nk says okay.. Khushi in da poolside nd says dt spot.. was it blood? nd den says dt if u luk at shyaam it doesnt luk like he has got hurt.. nd den says why am i going on having a feeling dt it is related to arnav.. nd den she sees da chunri nd says i askd DM help.. is it a sign from her.. but can seriously shyaam do such a thing.. what can i do now.. how will i knw whose blood is it.. nd den smetihng stikes her brain nd den she goes inn nd takes her phone book nd calls sme1.. Anji asking shyaam whthr he is cmin to hav food.. he is in his room nd says yeah am cming nd leaves.. khushi den enters his room *precap scene* she gets in nd starts seeing here nd dere.. den she finds da shoes in da cupboard.. she takes dem.. shyaam climbing down the stairs nd den realizes he dint get his phone.. khushi checking his shoes.. nd den sees da spot.. shyaam turns to leave to his room.. anji says him to cming.. shyaam says dt he wil cme nd starts walking down.... khushi takes da ear bud nd dips it nd da blood cmes on it.. shyaam's phone start ringing.. 

Part 2 :-

khushi gets the blood on the ear bud nd gets a li'l scared.. shyaams's phone ringing.. shyaam stops nd hears it den turns to his room to get the call.. khushi starts hurrying nd gets up.. shyaam cming towards his room.. khushi running towards the door.. nd wen she cmes out shyaam is in front of him.. he says khushiji.. nd she says what? i dunt wanna speak to u.. ur phone is ringing pik it up.. she tries to leave he calls her again nd says her to tell the truth dt wht she was doing in the room nd why is she luking so tensed.. khushi turns nd says i thought u must've understood till nw dt i dnt like to be near you.. nd leaves... again shyaams phone starts ringing.. he goes in the room nd piks up da call nd den he luks at da cupboard.. nd den 2wrdz da door.. nd den he goes 2wrdz da cupboard nd sstarts toking to da person.. khushi gone smewhr to a person nd he says dt it is blood.. den khushi gets scared nd says whthr can he says which blood group it is.. nd says its vry important.. he says okay but she has to wait.. she agrees... nd is sitting on da sofa.. she is getting impatient nd den da doctor cmes nd says 0 negative.. she says okay thank you nd leaves..Anji in da kitchen.. khushi says arrey di.. why u doing diz u cud hav said sme1.. anji says dt u changed ur party? she says wht.. den anji says dt i thought for a minute it is chootay or jeejaji.. den khushi says is evrything okay.. nd wht abt da baby.. anji says evrything is fine.. den khushi says smething abt da blood group..saying that she heard it is dangerous for the baby if da parents blood group is different.. den anji says its nthing lyk dt.. den dt way she asks anji's blood gorup nd says she is AB+ nd den she asks shyaams she says his is also same.. nd den khushi says dt it means arnav's will also be da same na.. u both brother nd sisters. den anji says its nthing lyk dt nd his is 0 negative.. khushi gets scared nd den recollects wht da doctor said.. anji asks wht happnd khushi says its nthing nd she shud hav sme rest.. anji leaves..Khushi says dt arnav's is 0 negative.. nd da blood dt i got from shyaams shoes is also same.. so dt means dt its shyaam? den khushi says no no it can be sme1's else also.. nd says until i dunt cme to knw i cant be in peace.. nd den recollects anji says arnav's blood group nd den da doctor saying.. den khushi says surely it must be shyaam.. den she climbs up da stairs nd den sme person is changing into indian dress.. khushi goes in dt room.. she sees da person closes da door nd saays i knw evrything.. dt u r aftr evrything.. nd also knw u took da papers.. da persons ack is facing her.. den she says dt u only kidnapped arnav.. nd nw dnt think u wil escape.. u r having arnav's blood on ur shoes.. so dnt think.. she turns da person nd gets shokd.. yes it is non othr den NK.. he is luking at her.. khushi freaks out nd runs out of da room.. he is all confused.. khushi in da poolside nd says i cant belive i said evrthing to nk.. nk cmes nd says wht is all diz.. why did u says like dt.. den khushi asks wht he was doing in shyams room.. he says he went to take da dress.. nd says dtz nt da point.. wht u said.. wht is dt.. it cant be.. khushi says yeah its nthing.. nk says dt i knw u well.. u can neva lie.. nd den he says u said smething abt arnav's kidnapping.. khushi says i just.. he says i heard nd dnt change da topic.. he says her to tell where arnav is.. nd says tell da truth othrwise i will.. she says dt am saying the truth.. arnav is kidnapped.. den she says evrything dt how dey saw in da tape nd all.. she says am sure it is shyaam behind diz.. he sais its impossible.. she says it is possible nd he is only behind it,.. 

Part 3:-

nk says jeejaji.. diz is ridiculous nd says we all knw him.. he is a god guy.. khushi says he is a bad guy nd says i knw why he is doing diz.. nd she says him abt dose papers.. nk says which pappers.? why did u take arnav's sign on dem.. khushi says why i did dt forget abt it.. nd den says i dint giv him da papers.. but i dunno hw he got.. nd den she says him hw she was finding dem nd she dint get.. nd den da call she got from the kidnapper nd all she is saying to nk.. nd den abt da wood plank incindent.. nd how dey were shifting arnav nd den da chunri scene.. nd den while saying she sees da same shoes wid blood.. khushi says dose shoe.. he says he boorowed from shyaam.. khushi says dt it is da same blood.. nd she starts panicking.. nk says her to sit.. nd says dere must be sme reason behind it.. u getting a call.. arnav getting kidnapped.. nd all i believe.. but shyaam being behind it i cant believe.. it can not be possible dt diz bloood being arnavs.. khushi says he is bad from da begiingin.. nd starts saying.. nd den nk doesnt believe.. she gets angry nd says fine.. u wanna believe u believe if u dnt its fine..nk gets up nd den khushi goes back of him nd den she says u only said i can do nething but nt lie.. so am saying da turth dt shyaam is only behind of all diz.. u cant believe coz u dunt knw abt shyaam da way i knw.. nd says u stiill cant believe me na..he says nthing lyk dt.. den she says if u dnt believe fine but listen nd den says smething.. nd den she thinks that am sure aftr diz i will knw if it is shyaam or not..


Nk and shyaam in shyaam's room.. nk has da show in his hand nd asks shyaam dt wht is dt stain.. shyaam gets scared.. nk says dt wht is diz red red on it.. nd shyaams scared face is shown..

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