English IPKKND - 15th june 2012 - MANISHLIKES

Sunday, June 17, 2012

IPKKND - 15th june 2012

khushi gives money to d person n shyaam sees tht n thn whn khushi is at  home shyaam asks khushi to tel him evrythng wht is she dng but thn  khushi acts n says tht u wnt to knw thn listen i wnt all d  property,house n evrythng of asr bcoz i wnt to take d revenge fr all  evrythng he did n nw its rit...e tym evythng ws gng ri8 but asr gt  kidnapped n listening to ths shyaam is shocked n says hw cum thn he  says i thght tht i m only 1 who u hates but u hate asr also thn khushi  says i hate both of u n goes frm thr thn shyaam goes to tht kidnapper n  slaps n asks him tht y he used his moblie but he says he dint n thorows  his phone whch goes n falls near asr thn he takes it adjust all d part n  calla khushi thn both on silent mode n tune in bg thn she says she wnts  to tel sumthng imp thn asr says 1st u listen to me n says srry fr  hurtng in d hut as he said i dnt wanted to see u in pain as tht ppl wld  hurt u so i did tht n khushi is cryng here thn she abt to tel abt shyaam  but thrs noise interruptng n she asks tht wht sound it tht n he says  dunno sum train;s n temples bells r ringning n she asks whr u but he  says dunno in locked room its dark n cnt see anythng thn she tells abt  shyaam but she is nt knwng tht asr dint listen as thth kidnapper came in  search of his phn n asr kept phn in his hands only thn wht he goes asr  says wht u anted to say but as khushi ws tellng phn gets cut n he also  says tht i m srry forgive me n all tht thn
thn khushi is thnkng  whch place it must b whr bells r ringing n trains noice it thr.....thn  she says thnk god tht atleast asr hersd her thng abt shyaam thn khushi  receives a call frm asr's lawyer mr.roy who says tht asr has takn a  property but his signs r needed n he is nt thr so can u cum n do it as u  r signs wil also do thn she says ok n takes d add frm him n thn mr.roy  keeps d receiver n says tht aapka kaam ho gaya n infront of him is  shyaam who had told thth lawyer to do tht n he gives his evil smile n  thn goes home thn in RM nani aska khushi tht whr is she gng in hurry thn  shyaam cums n gives d cd's to anji of songs whch she had told to buy  thn as khushi ws leavng anji aska tht hav she given d money to tht  charity thn mami asks whr is ibut khushi dnt answer n khushi says to  anji tht ya n mami again asks thn kshuhi tels tht is near buaji;s home n  goes thn evry1 goes n shyaam sayng to himself nw khsuhi gt trapped in  his plan n lets see wht she does n thn epi end......

precap-khushi n shyaam in mr'roys cabin n she is signing d papers n shyaam laughning as his plan succeed..

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