English Waow we topped The List. - MANISHLIKES

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Waow we topped The List.

Waow we topped the list of most rape case registered in the world …we ranked third (3RD) …  I am dielma either I feel happy or feel pissed off …I mean I know in india most of the cases go .. unregistered..

THE great INDIAN culture says …female are the godess of this universe ..then why we are not proving …it …why we are giving the world …image that we the men of india are full of lust and go to any limit to fulfill it …..i m not completely blaming man …but woman are also …involved in it …I mean what kind of mother do india has…that they cant teach…their sons how to behave ….with any girl…woman…what is his limits….i was shocked to know that 75%children some how faced molestation…yeah m using this word ……  

I suggest like other middle east countries ……like UAE,IRAN even like Afghanistan we should make law an eye for an eye law..that persone should be punished severly…should be hanged …in the middle of crowd…at the..crossing ..to set an example ….dont misbehave ..with…our godess.....we are not …the one full of lust we need to prove …..the society should …also change …support..the surviver ..insteated of judging like a chief justice of India …and plzzz don't be cosmopolitan be simple….show..what you feel…in mind …plzzz beware..most of the criminal..of these cases are often our …relatives….yup..60% the reported stated this ….

think good be good ..respect yourself then…the women of any nation…………….. thanQ

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